Storm In A Teacup
Have you ever considered the beach as process instead of a place?
Have you ever thought of equilibrium to be a bad place to be?
Well then, it's time to put a wee storm in your teapot.
If what's going on in Brexit Britain is getting on your nelly a bit, perhaps you need a reminder that the universe planet Earth bobs around in is a violent place, and we are lucky to be in a bubble that merely gets jostled a bit .
Back here in Brexitville bubbles burst too, and someone out there is going to provide a route to a new equilibrium. Like it or not, Britain is about to find itself in a future state; there is no going back to old equilibriums. We had better get used to it: British politics is no different to the way of the universe, just more brutal.
Storm in a Teacup is a fabulous introduction to the universe at action - starting with exploding popcorn and carrying on to our last peaceful cup of tea in Europe - and we too are being swept along by processes that leave us with no places to hide.
This book just makes me want to think about life all over again.
Storm In A Teacup